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Among my artistic and academic endeavours, I am also working as a freelance video editor, videographer and photographer. More specifically, I developed my practice as part of my research-work exchange at the Department of Dance (2014–2016) and later as Media Assistant at the Department of Audio-Visual Resources (2016–2017) at the University of Roehampton in London, UK. In 2021, I was awarded a Research Grant for the action-research project Dancing Museums-The Democracy of Beings from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice to conduct, among other activities, video editing and research on the key themes of the digital rooms of the virtual museum of the project. During the same period (2020–2022), I also worked as a video editor of the video interviews for the oral history project Memory in Motion. Re-Membering Dance History (mnemedance). 

Below, there is a sample of the research projects, performance events and workshops that I have been involved as a video editor and/or videographer and writer.

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